Window Shopping As A Learning Method In Speaking Skill For ESP (English For Specific Purposes)
Window Shopping method, Speaking skill, ESPAbstract
The title of this research is Window Shopping as a learning method in Speaking Skill for ESP (English for Specifik Purposes). This research will conduct at As Syafiiyah Islamic University because based on an observation, the researchers got information that the students in this fifth semester feel bored and not confidence to speak in front of people in ESP learning activities which use old method, such as showing slides presentation and speech. It means that the lecturer needs a new method in speaking activity for ESP. Based on the problem above, the researcher found a method that is suitable for ESP especially in speaking activities. This method is Window Shopping. Window Shopping method is a method in teaching and learning activity which the lecturer divided the class into various groups and then assign various instance or conversations to each group. The aim of this research is to find out what extend window shopping as a method in Speaking Skill for ESP (English for Specific Purposes). The research method is descriptive qualitative method. The participants in this research are 20 students of As Syafiiyah Islamic University, and the instruments that used in this research are observation and interview. The steps in this research are observation of the research, finding a new learning media and implementation of the research.